John Worle Cider Apple & Perry Pear Trees |
We are no longer growing and selling trees but this website will remain in place for the time being as a reference for anyone who may find it useful.
For bush and standard trees John recommends that you contact
web: Apple Orcharding Solutions Ltd
mob: 07767 483 222
tel: 01981 500 683
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like to discuss your orchard.
photo: Dorset Echo |
John with Peter the Nursery Manager giving a planting demonstration in Dorset
Our nurseries specialised in the propagation of cider apple and perry pear trees, we supplyied a large selection of first class trees of exceptional value and of interest to the artisan or craft cider-maker as well as varieties for the grower supplying the larger cider companies. Through the lifetime of our nurseries we provided over one million trees.
The trees were grown on our own nurseries in Herefordshire using a wide range of rootstocks to suit all conditions. In the first year we planted certified rootstocks in virgin ground in order to produce the best trees, these were then budded with the chosen varierties in the summer. We cut the stocks back to the bud in late February, growing the trees on with care and attention to detail during the second growing season and by the end of each November the final, well feathered, maiden tree was ready for planting and begin cropping from the second year.
Bare Rooted Apple Trees: |
Bush trees can be supplied on MM106, MM111 and M25 rootstocks. |
Standard and Half Standard are grown on M25 rootstocks with an appropriate stem-builder.
Bare Rooted Perry Pear Trees: |
Bush perry pears are budded onto pyrus c. Kirchensaller seedlings especially chosen to suit growing conditions in the UK. |
John has over fifty years' experience in nursery work and apple production and can offer practical on-going orchard management advice.
cider apple & perry pear trees, advisory services and more... |